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Supporters of Calliope’s Call are instrumental in bringing the intimate genre of art song to life! Help us continue to inspire and connect audiences and artists through art song!

Calliope’s Call is about connection. By using the instrument we all possess, the human voice, and art song as our medium, we strive to connect with humanity. Our ultimate goal is to share beauty, compassion, raw childlike wonder, and vulnerability through music. We invite you to be a part of this vision.

Individual donations play a major role in our organization’s growth. Income from ticket sales makes up only a small part of our operating budget, but a donation to Calliope’s Call is a direct investment in our artistic mission, and supports the production of new and innovative concerts each season. We invite you to consider joining the Calliope’s Call Family of Donors and making a tax-deductible contribution today.

A gift of any amount will allow us to continue bringing exceptionally talented performers to our audiences, to add more performances to our calendar, and to explore new and adventurous projects. We hope you’ll join us on this exciting journey!

  • Donate by check by mailing to:
  • Calliope’s Call, Inc.
  • 21 Griswold St, Hartford, CT 06114
  • (Payable to Calliope’s Call, Inc.)
  • Donate online via PayPal
  • (A Paypal account is not necessary to donate; all major credit cards are accepted. But please note: Paypal deducts a fee of 2.32% from your donation.)
  • PayPal

Calliope's Call is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Your donation is tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.
A letter acknowledging your donation will be mailed to the address provided.

We would like to thank all of you who have so graciously donated to Calliope’s Call!

Meet Our Family of Donors!

Other ways you can help
If you cannot offer financial support at this time, there are other ways you can help!

  1. Share our campaign with your social network. Help us spread the word!
  2. Host an out-of-town artist for a concert.
  3. Come to our concert!


Thanks for visiting!

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Boston, US
Email: [email protected]